Production Blog: Peer Review

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog! Today I'm going to going over the process of me peer reviewing with my friend David. A lot of this process of taking photos, videos, and learning how to edit was with him. So when we finished we peer reviewed each others final draft. This was honestly terrifying for me. I spent hours working on this commercial, I lost sleep, and I wasn't ready for what he would say about it. But, at the same time I was weirdly excited. Like I said, I spent hours on this. And this would be the first time showing it to anyone. Despite what his criticisms were, I was excited to know what he thought. He did have a few criticisms. With the main one being the pacing, I left some photos on for too long, and some on for not long enough, as well as some transitions being to fast or slow. In addition to the pacing, the audio didnt line up on a few clips, as
well as it over powered my video's audio at some points. But the main one which I as well agreed with were the clips and photos themselves. Some items were bright and represented joy, but then out of no where I would transition into a dark, low contrast image. I thought I fixed this with the transitioning into each other, but looking back I realized it still was a weird jump that just did not look good. While hearing these things he critiqued about the commercial I obviously was disappointed, because this meant I'd have to spend roughly another hour or so fixing everything, but I was also happy I'm able to fix it and make the commercial the best it can be before submitting. Well then, thank you for tuning in! I hope to see you tomorrow for the final touches and revision!


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