
 Hello everyone! Welcome back! If you tuned in a couple days ago, you would know I completed the process of making my commercial! As I look back on the entire journey of creating and refining my commercial using Adobe Premier Pro, I become enveloped in a wave of emotions. The idea for the video was filled with enthusiasm as I visualized narrating and showing my life store in a minute long video. Sorting through the images and clips brought a wave of nostalgia upon me, reminding me how blessed I am to live the life I have. The initial steps into the vast world known as Adobe Premier Pro was intriguing, the platform opened up various pathways of creativity in my brain I didn't know previously possible. Although the vast amount of tools and options were overwhelming at first, once I got used to the basics, it became a lot of fun figuring out all of the different tools I had available to me. I got sidetracked messing around with the software, but crafting a storyline allowed me to regain focus on the task at hand. Showcasing the important parts of my life's journey like my friends and family, and removing the non-essential details. Once the initial draft was complete, I began sharing it with peers, and braced myself for criticism. While it was challenging to sift through the varying opinions, it was essential for enhancing my project to the best it could be. Feedback on things like fluidity, audio, and transitions, made me rethink my choices of clips and photos. The second revision was the most important part of the commercial. It wasn't just me fixing a flaw to a project I had to submit. It was me refining my vision and portraying the most important things about me in the best way possible. The final render was the most exciting yet scary part of the project. The entire process of not just learning software, but also a personal journey throughout the growth I've went through in my life. Seeing all of that come together was a rollercoaster of emotions. As I reflect, I embrace the imperfections and learning curves I had to overcome, each one was a stepping stone towards a mastery of the software, and was a reflection of the dedication I had. Not towards just the project, but the dedication towards my life's continuous evolution and growth. Thank you for walking this path with me. I hope you learned as much out of this project as I did.


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