Group Blog

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog! Today, I am going to be talking about who I decided to work with for my music video, and the songs we decided on! First off, the person I chose to work with was David Ingber. The reason I made this decision was for many reasons, firstly, we live extremely close to each other, so working together on the video would be easy and not take much planning. Additionally, David and I have been hanging out every day for the past month and a half. We both have similar thinking and creative styles when it comes to school and he is a fun person to work/ hang out with. We decided the work would be better and easier if we could have another person to work with, so we decided to work with Jake Delnegri. Jake lives close to both of us, and is many of our classes so he would be easy and fun to work with. Continuing on, as a trio, we decided to make a quick idea of how our video would go. Then, we had to decide what songs we wanted to use. We chose a few songs from various different genres and picked the song that would flow with our idea the best. The top songs we chose were "Scream and Shout", "You belong with Me", and "Best Day of My Life". "Scream and Shout" was a choice we all thought was a good idea because its an iconic song that everyone would know, but we decided against it because it had slight cursing and we weren't sure how that would work out. The next song we chose, we didn't all agree on. David and I wanted to use "You Belong with Me" by Taylor Swift, because we had an idea for the video that would be extremely funny to do, and would still come out school appropriate and well made. The last song we chose was "Best Day of My Life" by American Authors, which we decided would be the best choice, because it fit perfectly with our initial idea for the music video, and overall would come out the best by far. The song's beats and flow fit perfectly with the beginning of our video idea. The song itself it very uplifting, and brings out serotonin every time you listen to it. Which is exactly what we are hoping for with our final video. We want our video to be filled with the excitement and happiness you would feel/think of when you think of the best weekend possible. That is it for todays blog! Thank you everyone for tuning in on the process of me choosing my group, and our song!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


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