Production Blog: Shopping

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog! If you have been tuning in to the blog, you are all caught up on the process of me and my group making our music video. If you haven't been tuning in, i suggest you read the previous blog in which I talked about the process of me revising our storyboard, and planned for filming. Today's blog is going to be on the process of me shopping for equipment and props. For background, I already have a good camera and lenses because i enjoy photography, meaning -in addition to our phone cameras- we already have the essential equipment needed for the filming side of our production. Additionally, Jake and David have most of the main props we need for the video like the jet skis, kitchen appliances, and lights for specific shots. So, when i was shopping i wasn't looking for any major additions to the video. I was mainly looking for a few small things that, while not huge, will still make a major improvement to the overall quality to our music video. Firstly, I made a trip to the target nearby my house, mainly focusing in the home appliances and technology sections. I didn't plan on purchasing anything while here, i was only hoping to get a couple ideas for the video. But, while in the technology section of target i found a couple clip-on microphones which could prove to be useful if we wanted to have a part with our voices overlapping with the music. Additionally while at target i got another idea, which i will expand on later. After target, i went shopping for groceries, getting eggs, bread, and bacon for our breakfast scene. I also got chicken and rice for our dinner scene. Finally, after looking around various different stores, i had many ideas for the music video and went on amazon to purchase a couple things to fulfill these ideas. The first purchase, and the main one, was a drone. It wasn’t essential for the overall production of the video, but i thought it would be an amazing addition to include some tracking and establishing shots. The final purchase I made for the video was a portable lightbulb so we could get some overhead lightning for our gym portion of the video. Thats all for todays blog! Thank you for tuning in, and i hope to see you next week for the beginning of the filming!


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