Production Blog: Starting the Finishing Touches

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog. If you have been tuning in, you know that me and my group have been making a music video. The last blog was on the process of us beginning the filming for our video. Todays blog is going to be on the process of me editing the videos taken last week. David and I got three usable videos during filming last week, he sent all of his off to me and i imported them into Adobe Lightroom. I have never been used Lightroom for videos before so it was a small learning curve learning how to use tools like masking. But, I wasn't making any changes to the video so it was alright. My main goal for this editing session was to tweak the lighting, contrast, and other settings so each video fit with each other and the vibe of the music. And then later when all of our filming is complete, I will make more drastic changes. Most of the videos did not need any major changes, but there were various changes I had to make because of the differences between Davids videos and mine. For example, the first scene of us waking up, we planned to crosscut between both of our perspectives, and then transition into a splitscreen of both. But because of how differently we filmed our videos, it just didn't look right. In David's video, he had open blinds, with the sun coming through and brightening the room. In my video, the blinds were shut, and the only thing giving light was a small light next to my bed. So cutting between the bright and colorful perspective of David, to the dim perspective of me didn't fulfil the ideas we have for this video. This was a struggle to fix, i liked the idea he had with the sunrise, but I adjusted the brightness and contrast just enough to where the sunrise was still showing, but not as bright as before. I think it came out alright, but we are going to refilm later and try a different idea. All of the other videos like making the bed and cooking were really easy to edit. I just had small adjustments like the brightness and exposure that needed fixing. David worked on editing the videos length and making them all short enough to fit in the time-span we have, I still haven't seen what he did with the videos, but I trust they came out how we both expected. That's all for today's blog! Thank you for tuning in again, and i hope to see you next time for additional filming!


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