Research Blog: Music Video Conventions
When it came down to the choice of music, we had to analyze their video on its own and music that is similar to its theme and genre.
1. Best Day Of My Life - American Authors
Cams- wide shot, close up, over the shoulder, medium close up
Editing- High use of cutaway between music playing and guys story, eye line match, jump cut
Sound- non-diegetic sound while music is playing over story, dialogue at end of video, diegetic when guys are singing together
Mis En Scene- prop of beer, normal man costume, monster bear costume, script of lyrics, tattoo, acting at bar, playing basketball
2. Scream & Shout ft. Britney Spears - will I am
Cams- medium close up, medium long shot, zoom, tracking shot, close up, wide shot
Editing- Fade in, fade out, eye line match, insert of Britney, cross cutting for dancers
Sound- non diegetic beats, diegetic singing, voiceover when voice is playing but not on screen,
Mis En Scene- costume of dresses/ party attire, costume of dj/hip guy, dancing to beat of song, glass bottles and champagne props, dj stand prop, disco ball prop, scream and shout knuckles
3. You Belong With Me -Taylor Swift
Cams- Establishing shot, over the shoulder, wide shot, zoom, tracking shot
Editing- cross cutting, eye line match, jump cuts
Sound- Voiceover of story, non-diegetic song beats
Mis En Scene- note pad prop, all different outfits
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