Production Blog: Last Few Shots
Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog! Today is going to be on the process of me filming my final few shots for the music video! I finished the first few shots and edit them all. Today i have to film the last few shots of jet skiing, cooking dinner, eating dinner, and the final scene of us on the balcony with the night sky in the background. These shots were much more complicated than the last few. The final scene of us on the balcony was meticulous to get the perfect shot of both of us in the video, with the moon and night sky in the background. The second shot to film was us cooking dinner. We utilized the same eagles eye view from my breakfast scene earlier in the video. Getting the phone in the correct position, in which the pans can be seen, as well as David and I, was extremely tedious. If the phone wasn't in the right position, there would be no way for us to know until the entire scene is over. Which would ruin the entire scene, because we wouldn't have time to completely refilm us cooking everything. In the end, the scene didn't come out exactly as planned. Our entire bodies were not in the scene, it was just our hands and the food, which is fine, just not how we envisioned it turning out. Once this scene was over and everything was cooked, we moved onto the eating dinner scene. This scene was simple, we sat down at the dinner table facing each other, and setup the camera for a two-shot with both of us eating, talking and laughing. The hardest scene to film was the jet skiing scene by far. David was driving, while I was recording. It was almost impossible to get a good, stable recording while on the jet ski. I was terrified of dropping my phone, and that made it so much harder to get a good shot. That's it for today's blog! Thank you all for showing up, and I hope to see you tomorrow for the final blog of our production process!
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