Production Blog: Promotional Projects

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the final blog for our short film journey! Now that we’ve wrapped up filming and are deep into post-production, our main focus has shifted to promoting the film. Bringing a project to life is only half the battle, getting people to see it is just as important. Today, I want to talk about the different promotional efforts we’ve been working on and the challenges we’ve faced along the way. A major part of our promotional strategy has been the film’s website, which Valentina has been managing. She’s been updating it with new blog posts, cast bios, and production updates. We’re also working on adding a countdown to the film’s release, which will help create anticipation. The challenge here has been driving traffic to the site. We’ve been linking it in our social media bios and QR codes on promotional materials, but getting people to visit and stay engaged takes extra effort. Speaking of promotional materials, Alyssa has been in charge of designing postcards ...